
The Patiente Vertriedung asbl organizes seminars and conferences on current issues in the are of health, caregiving and social security.

Public holidays in May 2024

Dear member,

dear client,

During the month of May 2024, our offices remain closed on the following public holidays :

  • Thursday 09.05.2024 (Europe Day and Ascension Day)
  • Friday 10.05.2024 (bridge day)
  • Monday 20.05.2024 (Whit Monday)

Thank you for your understanding.

ADAPTO survey

Info-Handicap vous invite à participer à une enquête sur le service Adapto en vue d’une future entrevue avec le ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics.

Cette enquête est destinée aux utilisateurs du service Adapto.

Vous trouverez l'enquête ici:

New form for "claiming compensation for damage caused by vaccination"

The Ministry of Health has published a new form in order to claim for compensation for damage caused by vaccination.

You can download the said document as well as an FAQ sheet at the bottom of this post. The two documents exist, for the moment, and to our knowledge, only in French!

Leave for family reasons COVID-19 and Certificates of Incapacity for Work and Quarantine or Isolation Orders - Situation as of 15 February 2022

During these two years marked by the coronavirus pandemic, health measures adopted by the Government have been adjusted many times, each time taking into account the evolution of the sanitary situation.

In such a rapidly evolving context, it is not easy for a citizen to find their way around their rights, duties and administrative formalities.

Many insureds have contacted the National Health Fund (CNS) over the past two years to submit a request for family leave (COVID-19) or a quarantine or isolation order.

COVID-19 Communiqué de presse – MANDAT

Madame, Monsieur,

Vous pouvez trouver ci après notre mandat que vous pouvez télécharger, remplir et nous le renvoyer.

Vaccination against COVID-19 - useful informations

We propose you hereafter a flyer to clarify and explain the vaccination against COVID-19.

This document was created by Dr Serge Meyer, oncologist and head of the COVID-19 crisis unit at the CHEM.

The Patiente Vertriedung does not actively promote vaccination against COVID-19. Vaccination against COVID-19 remains the personal choice of each citizen in Luxembourg.